Research of Asist.Prof.Dr. Wichuda Jankangram

– Poster presentation: 19th New Phytologist Symposium, Timberline, Oregon, USA (Sept, 2008).

– Poster presentation: Genomes to System 2008, University of Manchester, Manchester, England (March, 2008).

– Oral Presentation: 2nd Biochemistry and molecular biology for regional sustainable development, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand (May, 2009).

– Jankangram, W. Thammasirirak S, Jones M, Hartwell J, and Theerakulpisut P, Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis reveals evidence for the basis of salt sensitivity in Thai jasmine rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. KDML 105). African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (2011): 16157-16166.

– Jankangram W. Protein separation of para rubber latex (Hevea brasiliensis) by using proteomics. Science Journal Ubon Ratchathani University (2012); 2(Jan-Dec): 72-80.

– Jankangram, W. Comparative effects of salt and water stresses on water content and proline content of the responses of three rice seedlings cultivars. Journal of Science, Technology, and Humanities (2012) Volume 10 No.2: 81-87.

– Jankangram W. Natural Rubber Latex Protein. KKU Research Journal (2013); 18 (6) Nov-Dec: 996-1002.

– Jankangram W. Analysis of Gene Expression in Root of Rice: Differing responses of Three Cultivars to Salt-Stress. KKU Research Journal (2013); 18 (5) Sep-Oct: 749-758.

– Jankangram W and Chantarangsee M. Comparative effects of antifugus activity of the partial purification of chitinases enzyme extracted from Dry seed Plants. Poster presentation. The 2nd Nong Khai Campus International Conference 2014 “Creative Economy: Research & Development to Worthy Lifestyle”. 2-7 July, 2014

– Jankangram W and Chantarangsee M. Partial characterization of collagen extracted from dried jellyfish. International congress on chemical, biological and environmental sciences. Kyoto, Japan ( May 2014).

– Jankangram W. The Comparative of Silk Sericin Properties. Poster presentation 10th International Symposium of the Protein Society Of Thailand. Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok (15
– 17 July 2015)

– Wichuda Jankangram, Sunthorn Chooluck and Busarakum Pomthong. Comparison of the properties of collagen extracted from dried jellyfish and dried squid. African Journal of Biotechnology (2016): Vol. 15(16): 642-648

– Wichuda Jankangram, Sunthorn Chooluck and Busarakum Pomthong. Comparison of protein extraction methods and protein pattern of water-soluble silk sericin. KKU Science Journal (2017): Vol 45 (1) (in press)

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