History of SCISO

At first, the project of establishing Faculty of Science and Social Sciences was initially proposed by Burapha University, Sakaeo Informatic Technology Campus’s committee to establish since July 16, 2007. Subsequently, Burapha University was declared the statement of responsibility and duty of organization in Royal Thai Government Gazette on May 1, 2008 and entitled to the Faculty of Social Sciences (Sakaeo). The faculty offered undergraduate and graduate studies and provided research and academic services in the field Sciences, Applied Sciences, and humanities and social sciences under the supervision of the Dean.

In 2008, the Faculty was renamed to Faculty of Science and Social Sciences and declared in Royal Thai Government Gazette on June 1, 2009.

In 2010, Faculty of Science and Social Sciences had 4 regular programs for undergraduate studies: Business Computer, Public Administration, Human Resource Management and Geo-informatics and 2 special programs for undergraduate studies: Information Technology and Public Administration.

In 2011, Faculty of Science and Social Sciences proposes 2 regular programs of undergraduate: Logistics and Border trades, and Information Technology.

In 2012, Faculty of Science and Social Sciences offered 1 regular program for undergraduate studies: Natural Resource and Environment and 2 special programs for undergraduate studies: Business Computer and Laws (Academic co-operative between Faculty of Science and Social Sciences and The Faculty of Political Science and Law).

@Faculty of Science and Social Sciences.
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254 ม.4 ถ.สุวรรณศร ต.วัฒนานคร
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โทรศัพท์ 038-102-222 ต่อ 4053

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