Research of Mr. Tawatchai NA-U-DOM

1. Na-U-Dom, T. and Buranapratheprat., A.(2010). The Eddy in Thailand Exclusive Economic Zone in the Andaman Sea. Proceedings of the Marine Science Conference on Marine biodiversity in Thailand: Challenges and Opportunities. p327.

2. Na-U-Dom, T., and Buranapratheprat, A.(2012). A Water Circulation in the Gulf of Thailand Invertigated using a Hydrodynamics model. Proceeding of the Marine Science Conference on Multu-disciplinary Marine Studies in the Changing World. p25.

3. Na-U-Dom, T., Buranapratheprat, A., Humhual and Intracharoen. P .(2013). Temporal and Spatial Variation of water qualities in the upper Gulf of Thailand during two seasons in 2009. Burapha Science Journal . 18 (2).

4. Tong-U-Dom, S., Na-U-Dom, T. and Buranapratheprat, A. (2017). Simulation of water circulation in the northern Gulf of Thailand by using numerical mocel under different condition. Burapha University. 22(3).

5. Na-U-Dom, T. and Mo, X. (2017). Detecting Spatial and Temporal Change of NDVI Dynamics in the Mekong River Basin: Relationship with Anthropogenic Effects. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 8 (10).

6. Na-U-Dom, T., Garcίa, M and Mo, X. (2017). Assessment of ecosystem stability to climatic anomalies in the Mekong River Basin. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 68.

7. Na-U-Dom, T., Mo, X. and Garcίa, M. (2017). Assessing the Climatic Effects on Vegetation Dynamics in the Mekong River Basin. Environments. 4 (17).

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